When it comes to couples parting, I have seen the litigation process when it goes smoothly as well as when it gets ugly as an experienced family law attorney!
Still, I get asked the question all the time what the difference is between a couple splitting by divorce versus breaking up with what is referred to as a dissolution of marriage. Let’s take a look at both of these terms, and determine which one best fits your current situation.
Is There a Difference Between a Divorce and a Dissolution?
Getting these two confused is a common mistake, because most people just see breaking up as breaking up, no matter what you call it! But, there is a different way of going about things when a couple is actually in agreement to separate than when they can’t be civil towards one another and/or get along.
When one person wants out of the relationship (for infidelity, growing apart, or whatever reason) and the other person doesn’t, then it is generally called a divorce. It is normally when the person who wants out of the marriage wants the court to come into the picture and decide how the marriage will end, decide who gets custody, etc.
A divorce is the ultimate result of a dissolution, but a dissolution is when both parties are on the same page, both want to split ways peacefully, and already mostly have their custody decisions made between themselves.
Contact Your Sacramento Family Law Attorney for Divorce and Dissolution Cases
In the State of California, there are some requirements in order to attain a summary dissolution, such as the fact that you and your ex cannot have any children who are minors, and the woman cannot be pregnant at the time of the dissolution.
For more questions, don’t hesitate to contact me today at Mercer Law for your initial free 15-minute consultation. I provide family law attorney services in Sacramento, California.